Back this summer I wanted to experiment with mixed light portraits. I shot a bunch of tests in the studio. And since there were tests I used myself as the model. These were all shot on a tripod with a 5 second timer delay. My first pass below didn’t work out the way I wanted. The first 2 shots below show those results…interesting but not great. After a few more tests I finally had an interesting look. I used a red and orange back light to get the motion blur portion of the photos. After I had my look I went and convinced the editor of Ulster Magazine to use it for something artisitc as well as the sports editor at the paper. You can see many of the tests below look like they were shot for the stobist olympics. I didn’t have any real props so I used what I had laying around in the studio. The shots for Ulster Magazine will be published at the end of October. They are of a local trombonist (you can see below I did run a test with a lightstand as a trombone). Check back for those shots. The sports shots should be shot and published in December as the football players of the year.
These are amazing! I love them, especially the baseball-swing one, and the very first one with the red light. It is fascinating to me that your work continues to have and explore a sort of unexpected eeriness. You could do something really fun with this technique for Halloween, with kids in costumes. Nice stuff – thanks for sharing.
Thank you Carrie. I always appreciate the kind words.